Monday, July 10, 2006

30, The New 21

This weekend was amazing. I had sooo much fun. But it more than just drunken buffoonery.

There was alot of reflection and looking to the past. This however was not nostalgia. Although there were moments with Alex and Brian where we reminisced about our early 20s being roommates and what not.

This weekend become a mirror into the past not just to remember good times and memories but to reflect upon what has been done and accomplished and what has not. recognizes patterns and establishing new ones

I've been saying that 30 is the new 21, partly as a way to take away the fear of this number sounding old to me. But that phrase is more true than I first imagined. 21 is a pivotal age where things start to really shift and there are new discoveries about yourself and life to be made. You start to come into your own, and creativity can reach new heights.

For me things happened later in life and while that sort of stuff did happen around 21, the real major dynamics and personal growth is happening now. I am reliving 21, but without the unnecessary baggage. While I've ALWAYS been a unique individual that kinda sticks out, following my inner desires and impulses has always been tucked away, made secondary. I guess that is what I imagine or correlate with 21 - not only discovering yourself but starting to really push yourself out into the world


coryandfarah said...

Happy New 21st, Mike! Sounds like you're in a good place. Look forward to seeing you in Socal.

Ryan said...

Congrats on the big 3-0. I hope that this year is phenomenal for you in terms of growth, actualized passions and dreams, and less free soda at work.