Monday, June 05, 2006

That's smarts! ... Inconceivable!

Sometimes when I hear others speak, or read their profiles I have an immediate gut reaction of wanting to yak all over them. This usually stems from reading or hearing something that sounds overbloated and full of pseudo-intellectualism.

I think what is really happening is that I think I am smarter than other people. Then I stumble across someone that seems intelligent, and with the capacity to communicate their thoughts with ease. This of course will not stand as I am the smarter cookie, so I pass it off as someone who is full of themselves, self important, far too stuck in their own delirium or loving to hear the sound of their own bloated voices. While this actually might be true sometimes, it is really a defense mechanism on my part.

Or maybe I just like my "intelligence" splattered in with humor, silliness, and ridiculousness, and/or self-effacement. I should just stop being so damn judgemental

Currently listening:
OK Computer
By Radiohead


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Anonymous said...

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