Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Island!

I am trying to write on a more consistant basis, whether it is random ideas, blogs, working on the script, bits n pieces for new scripts, ... whatever, just get it down. In the morning I usually have time between calls to thrown down some chicken scratch

02-27-06 5:55am

Panic! What will we do if we can't get our shoes! It's the end!

Our heads snap back in horror. Pause. Snap back to pecking at the the keys... and ... and nothing. Peck peck (In some form of Filipino language I belive that means a woman's goodies downstairs) ... Peck peck... but the response is jibberish. Snapback and hands in the air! - because the computer naturally understands and responds to such body language. And we must stay ready to tell customers that we cant do anything right now.

In the morning, the heard moves together and gathers to the distant left of me. I hear them grazing across the plains between calls. Occassionally if I pop my head outta the prariedog hole I can even see them across the field. I am the lone Buffalo on the right side of the great plains in the morning. But soon when I go to evening shift I will join my own heard, as right side of the plains is where the night buffalo graze.

So it doesnt quite make sense that I am a buffalo popping out of a prarie dog hole, but between calls it'll do :P

1 comment:

coryandfarah said...

You are right about peck peck. A friend of mine taught me that years ago. And then another friend of mine taught me what kiki means! He will go unnamed, of course, but I will say that he looks a lot like you, Mike!