Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Glutton for punishment

Im one step closer, so I'll just take a few sidesteps

I have to learn that just because I can do something, it doesn't mean I should. I just finished a credit counseling session to straighten out my shit. I easily spend my money, and borrow money on cards "because it's available". That's how my financial mess started... well partly, the other part was a poor and extremely costly business move, but all of it I could have prevented.

Right after I finished the session, which takes me that much closer to be being where I want to be financially, I called up Lyma to go have All You Can Eat Sushi, because I was right there.

So we had a great time laughing it up as we usually do, and stuffing ourselves silly. But now my stomach is aching and going to explode. This is also why I need to lose weight and can barely fit into my size 4 girl jeans, which at one point I looked decent rather than scary in. And right now Im bloated as hell, because I ate a plethora of sushi, an insane amount...

"Because it was available"

and instead of saving almost $30, which could have been put away toward my hotness, I am moaning in extreme fullness... now its nowhere near my heart-attack of 1996, but it could easily be avoided

Im gonna open up a new Savings account, or mutual fund for my self, and call it "My Hotness" fund so every time I am tempted to gorge myself in such an extreme way, I can just remind myself to put it into my hotness instead hahahahahha

1 comment:

coryandfarah said...

It's time to cut those cards up, Mike!