Saturday, March 04, 2006

Running On Empty

Maybe not so long ago I might has seen tonight differently

It was the first Friday I have been out in MONTHS - since I started my job. It was nice to be out. We went out to eat then drink and clubbing. 2 of the people I was with had some personal stuff going on... Maybe just a month or 2 ago, I would have been a cold ass and thought to myself "Just get over it, lamass" But not now, not this time. Tonight I just felt bad for them. I also felt empty. There was a part of me that wanted to trade my emptiness for their pain, cuz it would at least mean something was going on and some boy wanted me to some extent. What I have now is absolutely nothing.

Most of the night I hid behind my hoodie, that needs to end


coryandfarah said...

Hey Mike. Sorry to hear that you're having a tough time. Right now may be a dry time but I hope that you can use it to your advantage. The rainy season will come soon enough and boys will be dropping by the dozens from the heavens--so many that you won't know what to do with them. Hang in there and be sure to take off your hoodie so that we can see you! And if you ever need a break come to Sacramento!!!

mbeano said...

Thanks for the thoughts and concern Cory, but honestly, nothing is that bad for me, although it is dry right now

Man I would love to take a break and take a vacation... but everytime I think about spending money on a small trip I think to my self "Wiat that money could go toward my "Lusicous Line of Credit" - which is my ridiculous name for the account I am setting up to save money for cosmetic shit (plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry). I'm obsessed, us fags have alot of vanity...