Thursday, March 02, 2006

Stalking The Troops pt3: The Return of the Stalker

The Chronicles of lameness Continued

So the majority of girls told me to just send him a message through myspace. I was supposed to just write it quick and send it off fast so I don’t overthink it like I do with EVERYTHING. But I ended up showing it to Stef who told me I sounded like a blathering idiot... Ended up taking forever to edit it down and it was still lame. Finally I just said fuck it and sent it.

Basically I just told him that there was something really intriguing about him other than just being cute and I wanted to find out more, and then asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime and if he had been to Beauty Bar – One of the few things I do know through actually talking with him is that he is just getting into Indie rock so this seemed ideal and casual.

I told myself I wouldn’t be stupid and just check on my myspace messages tomorrow. I started to work on my screenplay, but that didn’t work at all! So I put in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but eventually when it got to the dessert love scene and broke down and rushed over to myspace to see if he had logged in or sent me a message... NOTHING!

This back n forth obsessive checking for messages went on for HOURS! and nothing. Till finally 12am hit and then I could at least tell if he had at least logged on since the date changed to 2/8/06 and and his “last login date still showed 2/7/06” YES! Excessive stalking taken to new heights! So finally it was a little before 2am when I last checked and still nothing, but I was in the middle of downloading a few songs. And when they finished ....”NEW MESSAGE”!!!!!!


But there was NO way I was gonna read it right then and there! That would just appear obsessive and stalkerish (he can see if I have read the message), and we all know I'm neither of those things! SO I went to bed all dreamy and happy.

I woke up really early without the alarm! I never do that on an off day! But I wasn’t gone touch that message till after 10am - “Cuz I'm not a stalker”

And so ...

“ Aww, I went on first Friday, but didn't actually GO inside. I want to make it there sometime this month. I have just been incredibly busy with EVERYTHING. Between work and maintaining a few freindships, I hardly have time for anything these days! But, every now and then opportunities exist, so we'll see what happens. =) “

Sigh... It ends :(
My Jnr Highschool girl daydreams are shattered! hahahhah I'm taking his poster off my wall and scratching his name off my peachee folders

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