Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ringy Dingy

Cant keep my head in one place. Concentration is a foreign word suddenly. Random bubbles of thought and ideas are floating all around, they have no weight. Life is lie and fluffy at the moment.

Time is lost in nothingness and random acts. I was supposed to get some writing done this weekend. I did get some minor things done.. the miscellaneous errands. But the real vacuum was a new gadget. I found myself sucked up into my cell phone and lost in it the whole day... And I didn't even make any call! I had planned on it, but when I pulled myself out it was 11 40 something or other. Hours went into figuring out if it was possible, yet, to create true music ring tones on my new Motorola SLVR L7 - its far more gadgety-geek to through in the full name and add at least one key feature "with iTunes".

As a sidenote buying ringtones is insane! its costs 2-5 $ for 20-30 a sec snippet of a lesser quality song, with you can either download the whole song for free or buy it for a buck!

So finally, after sifting through endless online forums, guides, reviews, blogs, testing some software, and going back to the useless manual that might as well have been a coloring book, I pulled my head out of the rubbage and found the solution. It turned out to be somewhat of an easy fix but hard to find.

So after learning it is possible to create your own music ringtones for my "Motorola SLVR L7 with iTunes, net access and bluetooth (which I don't know how to use... yet). I naturally buried my head deep into my iTunes library and got busy quickly cutting and pasting snippets that would sound great, and that I would naturally want to imediately answer to when they ring for my attention. Of course the "Hello Hello" chorus of U2's Vertigo was my natural obvious first choice being the huge U2 fangeek that I am, and well its just obviously without being one. Prince Madonna and Guns N Roses were big winners.

After getting all excited to play with my toy and using sound editing software (however limited) I had to test it out. The opening notes of Paradise City will just scream for me to come running to answer the phone. It played on the phone and sounded great, but I had to hear/and see what it would sound like when someone actually calls. So I called myself Apparently I am not receiving phone calls.

I knew something was weird all week! It said "Cingular" on the display and the signal display went up when I popped in the SIM card. At some points during the week I wondered "Is no one really calling me?"

I know I placed myself into my own cocoon, so it didn't seem that odd. After a few phone calls I was able to get things straightened out and up n connected.

All was good in the world when I finally was able to call myself and hear "Hello Hello...Hola!" coming from the speakers of my wonderful tiny 4.47" x 1.93" x 0.45" "Motorola SLVR L7 with iTunes, net access, bluetooth and Up to 512 MB or removable TransFlash memory" Absolute heaven

Now if only someone would call so I can hear Madge or Prince in wonderful music ringtones calling me to answer... but will I pick up? Cuz then the song will be over

I'm hung up... I don't know what to do.

I bought a new phone and 1 of the last things I thought of to do with it, is make a call. My inner gaygeek really came out due to this.

Little things done, but not much of anything accomplished... fluff

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