Sunday, April 02, 2006

Place My Order For Disorder

ts calm and quiet, the house is looking good. No more kids running scurrying about. No chaos mess and paint. It's clean. Everything is in order and coming together.

Things are fine at work, it's going well.

I want to fuck it all up. I have the urge to create a huge mess. I am already missing my sister Marianne and my nieces. She's an ocean of energy that you can be swallowed up and drown in, but if you ride her current right, its amazing.

Certain people bring out the best in you. Marianne has always been that. She pushes me out of my shell and is always ready to encourage me. While she tends to overanalyze like it do, she also just throws herself out there as well.


Anonymous said...

It's so rich to have people like that in our lives. Glad to hear of how tight you are with your sister.

coryandfarah said...

Enjoy the sunshine while you can, Mike, because the rain is sure to come again. That's my personalized fortune cookie advice for you. Just do me a favor and don't tack on "in bed" because that'll make it sound kind of weird. ;)

I'd love to see your sister again sometime. Do you remember freshman P.E. class? It was us and your sister and her friend all together sweating it out in P.E. (different classes though, of course). Or was it not? Hmm... Everything is but a blur.